• The Netherlands
  • House

In a few minutes make a plan with the Self-Scan Sustainable Monument

Zelfscan Duurzaam Monument

On the Green Menu, we provide as complete an overview as possible of the possible measures. But which measures are appropriate for your situation? From now on you can easily discover this with the Self-Scan Sustainable Monument. The Self-Scan Sustainable Monument was developed by the Nationaal Restauratie Fonds and De Groene Grachten and is based on information from The Green Menu.

Start the Self Scan here <

Curious which measures suit your monumental building? The online Sustainable Monument Self-Scan provides a complete overview of the sustainable options. The scan asks you a number of questions about your home and situation and thus filters the possible measures. Just like on The Green Menu, you will gain insight into the costs and what it can bring you, such as energy savings, comfort improvement and environmental impact. On the second tab in the result, you can see the subsidies and financing that match these measures. The result can be downloaded in a clear report.

NOTE: The Self Scan is currently only available in Dutch.

Published on
1 December 2020

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